Yoga Therapy
Yoga is a holistic meditative art. Practice focuses the field of attention to smooth away the obstacles that block clarity of thought and the natural state of luminous health.
The gentle movements animated by deep, regulated breathing promote natural flexibility and stability of the muscles and joints. The breath work transcends the superficial benefits of exercise to enable deep emotional and spiritual healing.
A personalized yoga therapy session is tailored to the client’s present state of physical and mental health. The customized practice is intended to enhance the power of the techniques and empower the client with exercises that he/she can feel confident practicing at home.
Patricia is a member and is certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapists. She is registered with the Yoga Alliance at the Experienced Yoga Teacher level (ERYT-500). She was first certified by Dharma Mittra at the Yoga Asana Center in 1997. She was certified by Alan Finger at Yoga Zone in 1999. She was certified by TKV Desikachar at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in India in 2000. She was certified by Gary Kraftsow in Yoga Therapy at the American Viniyoga Institute in Maui in 2005. She was certified by Craig Hanauer at Every Kid’s Yoga in 2005. Click here to learn more about the International Association of Yoga Therapists.